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Egesan EKW Cup Stones / Form D

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Product Code: Egesan EKW
Catalogue: Catalogue Not Specified

A long-lasting, specially designed cup stone with pink aluminum oxide abrasive, designed for sharpening alloy steels, speed steels and tool bits, providing high chip removal.


D-50272477EKW 46 K 6 V
D-50272487EKW 60 K 6 V
D-75272478EKW 46 K 6 V
D-75272488EKW 60 K 6 V
D-100272479EKW 46 K 6 V
D-100272489EKW 60 K 6 V
D-125272480EKW 46 K 6 V
D-125272490EKW 60 K 6 V
D-150272481EKW 46 K 6 V
D-150272491EKW 60 K 6 V